
“We are seeing converging ideals between millennials that are starting to rise into leadership positions and millennials who now have the most purchasing power, pressuring brands to make responsible choices,” says Grad. “With these insights, Bstow will be able to guide both nonprofits and brands on how to appeal to this generation.”

"The reason companies like the roundup concept so much is that millennials take to it quickly. There’s low friction for users. “Roundups are a low-barrier way that people can help causes they care about without breaking the bank, and without having to make a big, researched decision about where they should donate,” he says. “There is an enormous movement to make financial decisions more seamless for millennial professionals so that they can create good habits while they are young.”

"Automate your giving with Bstow."

"We are incredibly excited to announce and welcome the first ever class of the Barclays Accelerator Powered by Techstars in Tel Aviv, including Bstow."

For media inquiries get in touch with us at [email protected]

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