Branded Donations App Features

Cross-platform availability

Fundraising anytime, anywhere, on any device with Bstow Web and Native iOS app.

mobile fundraising platform desktop web app and ios mobile app

Cross-platform availability

Fundraising anytime, anywhere, on any device with Bstow Web and Native iOS app.

Several ways to give

Give one time, setup recurring donations, and round up spare change.

push notifications and peer to peer p2p fundraisingcrowdfunding and p2p fundraising

Peer-2-Peer Fundraising

Share your cause with others any way you want via text, email, and social media.

Bstow builds branded, white-label ios mobile appsBstow builds branded, white-label ios mobile apps

Opt for a branded app!

Create separate chapters, funds, or campaigns so donors can direct their support toward what matters most.

Custom CRM Dashboard

Build and export reports


Send out push notifications to your users

Manage users

track donations, donor relationship management, database, donor data, fundraising tools, mobile fundraising
donor relationship management platform